Musicians have a lot of problems. Many of those problems involve posture, nerves, aches, and pain. These issues may affect their livelihood, their passion, their purpose, their dreams.
Through education and chiropractic care, you can avoid injuries, flare-ups, and other mishaps by optimizing your body’s ability to adapt to the stress of work and children.
As a chef or a cook in a high volume or intensively focused kitchen, you don’t need to have stress explained to you. You don’t need a recap of the most common health complaints among the restaurant staff.
Every athlete has a reason. Whatever your reason for exercising, training or competing is, we understand it’s important to you. Dr. Lou will help you with damage control after an injury to get your symptoms under control.
What Disease Does Brian Setzer have? Does Brian Setzer have Scleroderma?
Scleroderma What disease does Brian Setzer have? Brian Setzer, the famed guitarist of The Stray Cats has been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder that affects the hands. Although the...
Protect your money and financial future by actively caring for your spine against disability.
People are horrified of the risk of bankruptcy from medical bills and disability. When was the last time you were so overwhelmed with life that you just wished you...
Our Portland chiropractic office is committed to making your health an interactive, collaborative process between our staff, you and your family. We will evaluate your situation, determine the problem, explain the problem to you, explain the plan of action to you, and help you feel and function better as quickly as possible.
We offer numerous outlets for education that will help you improve and become physically stable faster.
We offer complete transparency, open lines of communication and as an active patient, you are given 24/7 access to Dr. Jacobs. That’s right, he’s on call 24/7. He never stops. He became a doctor to help people and he’s here for you. Don’t believe it? Become a patient and test the 24/7 rule. It’s always good to have a doctor in the family, or at least in your back pocket! It’s my promise to you. Here for you ~ Dr. Lou