24/7 Doctors in Portland, Maine



Do you have your doctor’s cell phone number? Is your doctor a weekend doctor?  If you needed your doctor at 6pm on Sunday evening and they were at home eating, would they go to the office to see you in a crisis?

We know of no doctors in Portland, Maine who are weekend doctors and who give all patients their cell phone numbers and encourage them to call in a crisis. If you are thinking ” he can’t possibly leave dinner for a patient if he cares about his family, he can and often will.”  At JCA our patients are our extended family.  The doctors don’t differentiate between great people and great family.  If the JCA doctors in Portland, Maine are available, they will do whatever it takes to help you.  Read Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino’s testimonial.

If you don’t have the ability to reach your doctor at all times, even if it’s for a simple “should I ice or should I heat” type question, what good are they if you really need them?

Emergency? email drj@drloujacobs.com

JCA always accepts great patients.  JCA is always here for you.  JCA is the friend you can always rely on.