3 1/2 Ways to eat like a Rock Star

In all of my work with well known, successful musicians I have learned a bit about their diets as well as their lifestyles.  In this brief post I want to share with you a few things I’ve noticed about their diets.  While you may think that the lifestyle is all alcohol, cigarettes and lavish meals, here is what I’ve seen to be the reality.


1. Lots of vegetables.  Even rock stars on the road realize that veggies are good for you.  When life is good and you are blessed, you do what can to take care of your body and stay as healthy as possible.


2. Fish. Fish has been on the menu of every pre sound check dinner I’ve ever seen.  Light & healthy.


3. Tea.  Whether it’s to warm the pipes or just for the antioxidant benefit, tea is almost always on the list.


3.5 Supplements.  Most of these guys and gals are taking supplements to stay healthy while on the road.  Immune boosting formulas seem to be high on the list.


You don’t have to be a rock star to eat like one.  These guys love their lives.  They are on top of the world and they have the sense to do their best to prevent problems. The more rock and roll royalty I meet, the more I realize that we are all the same, we are all special, we are all blessed and we are all deserving of a little nurturing.


~ Dr. Lou


Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros  are healthy eaters and great examples for all.  Dr. Lou (207) 774-6251

Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros are healthy eaters and great examples for all. Dr. Lou (207) 774-6251