Bell’s Palsy help In Portland, Maine

Call (207) 74-6251

10 years ago when I was working as a chiropractor and acupuncturist in Kansas City, Missouri I experienced a very odd spring season.  Within the span of  3 weeks I had 7 new patients with Bell’s palsy.  Bells palsy is a paralyzation of one side of the face that generally comes on without warning and lasts from days to months and in some cases it never completely goes away.  Bell’s palsy help in Portland, Maine is available.  Often presenting like a stroke but without many of the more serious issues associated with a stroke, bell’s palsy can be a frightening occurrence.

Bell’s palsy help in Portland, Maine has been available at Jacobs Chiropractic Acupuncture Center since opening in 2003.  The use of chiropractic acupuncture for relieving symptoms, facial paralysis and regaining normal use of one’s mouth and eye lids is often the goal.  Acupuncture techniques are very effective for getting back to looking and functioning normally.

Dr. Lou has successfully treated dozens of patients with bell’s palsy.

For bell’s palsy help in Portland, Maine call (207) 774-6251.

Bell's Palsy help Portland, Maine

For bell's palsy help in Portland, Maine call (207) 774-6251 (photo: Mosby's)