Chiropractics is spelled wrong, it’s Chiropractic!


If you are searching for a chiropractor by googling “chiropractics“, you will find one but you’ll be misspelling the word. I wan to make sure that you are spelling words related to chiropractic, correctly.  Chiropractic is a word derived from Greek. The basic meaning is “to do (practice) by hand”. If your Portland, Maine chiropractor doesn’t correct your spelling, he or she is doing you an intellectual disservice.  Finding a local chiropractor is easy. Finding a local chiropractor who has the best interest of your grammar and spelling in mind is priceless. Holistic chiropractors and holistic chiropractic care are important members of your healthcare team.


Dr. Lou talking chiropractic with Mumford & Sons.  They knew that it's not spelled "Chiropractics".

Dr. Lou talking chiropractic with Mumford & Sons. They knew that it’s not spelled “Chiropractics”. Call (207) 774-6251 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lou, Maine’s chiropractor to the stars.