Quite a few people are beginning to complain about the gas prices that until now have said nothing.  It seems 4 is a magic number.  I don’t like any more than anyone else but let’s put this in perspective, stop whining and be thankful.  At least we still have gas.  When I lived and travelled in China, there were times where one would have to hike 8 hours and drive 2 just to get a can filled with gas to fuel their generator. 

For most people it’s still not an issue of money, it’s an issue of priorities.  Below are some priority shift ideas that are healthy and will save money:
– Cancel your Cable
– “Eat out” less
– Quit Smoking
– Drink Less Alcohol
– Buy water in Bulk: a 16 oz. bottle is over a dollar……more than a gallon of gas!
– Shop at Hannaford or Shaws
– Ride a bike….lose weight, save gas, cardio health, win, win, win.
– Get off your medications
– Buy less clothes
– Pass on the flat screen tv (aka: Fat Magnet)
– Enjoy free entertainment like exercise, hiking, swimming and walking
– Before you spend, ask yourself, Is this going to add a necessary improvement to my life and is    it a wise investment?
– Brew your own coffee and coffee drinks (save on money and calories)
– Don’t drive/ride alone
– Turn off your air conditioning, it’s still cool.
If you have said to yourself….Well, I can’t do that! Then what are we really complaining about? In a time when people are still going to bed hungry in this country, give thanks that there’s food on the table, a roof over our heads, gas to be purchased and a job to go to in the morning. 
If you have any other money saving ideas…Post them for others!