The First Three Things To Do If You Have Pain During Or After Running.

Whether you have been running for years or have just started, running pain is a sign of a problem. Much like the oil light in your car, your body needs an inspection if your “pain light” has turned on. Here are the three things you should make certain are evaluated first.

  1. Your feet are your foundation. Have your feet scanned for pronation, supination, plantar fasciitis, and other wear and tear injuries of stretching, bony misalignment and inflammation of the feet.
  2. Your shoes support your foundation. Have your shoes evaluated by a healthcare professional who specializes in  running pain, injuries and performance. Running shoes are deceptively under engineered and need modifications for most.  A specialist can help you with this.
  3. Back pain is one of the most common running pains. Have a chiropractor evaluate your running pain, spine, pelvis, hips, knees, ankles and feet. Structural  subluxations (misalignments) and asymmetries can cause permanent damage with the physical stress of running.
Runners with injuries and dreams of performance optimization call Dr. Lou at (207) 774-6251. His office has been in Portland for 14 years.

Runners with injuries and dreams of performance optimization call Dr. Lou at (207) 774-6251. His office has been in Portland, Maine for 14 years.

I have been a runner since I was 8 years old. 36 years later, I still run, but I also work with dozens of runners at a time who have aches and pains with the sport they love. Pain is the sign of a problem and as we age we have to work harder to stay young. If you don’t manage dysfunction that is causing pain now, your future may be grim and filled with more pain, injuries an susceptibility to problems. Prevention and performance optimization are easy, but you have to commit to your sport.  Don’t run yourself into the ground. Chiropractic care will optimize performance, speed, motion fluidity, it will reduce your risk of joint degeneration, inflammation and pain.

If you are interested in fixing problems and then moving toward optimization of your performance during and after your runs, call (207) 774-6251 now before the weather gets nice and makes it easier to run outside….be prepared! Get off the treadmill and get out there as soon as you can!