What is Pain?


Pain is a warning sign.  A Sign that something is wrong.  Pain is a sign that a problem has a clear and present potential to get worse.  Pain is a healthy response to an unhealthy issue.  Without pain, we would certainly not live as long as we do.  It prevents us from damaging ourselves further – If we pay attention to it.


Why don’t you leave your hand on a hot stove?  Because if you do, it will destroy the hand.  The pain warns you of the inevitable and you remove the hand from the heat. Other types of pain are equally important indicators of what’s to come.


If you have pain, find out what is causing it and how to prevent the underlying cause from getting worse.



All pain has a cause.  Find the cause, fix the cause.... no more pain.

All pain has a cause. Find the cause, fix the cause…. no more pain.