The Rain in Maine Falls Mainly On The Head Of Portland.
My flattening tire that was waiting for me with a little yellow light on my dashboard was nothing unusual for a Tuesday morning. I was just happy that my windshield wiper sensor and dashboard controls were working. My dash touch screen worked and I was able to tap my way to WMPG within seconds. I was dry and cozy on my way to work only periodically wondering what would happen if my low tire decided to spontaneously explode at 60mph on a bridge. It didn’t happen and the thoughts were surrounded by love of rain, technology and a comfortable body.
Automotive technology abounds and there is something comforting about a dry place with lots of windows while it’s pouring outside. All that technology pales in comparison to the performance of our own body. Did you know that the average speed of nerve conduction is 120mph and it gets up to 250mph in some nerve fibers? Your brain is moving your eyes over this text effortlessly and at speeds that should blow your mind and inspire awe. Compromise that connection though and performance decreases. Spinal inflammation and misalignment impact nerve communication in a bad way. Get yourself checked by a chiropractor at least as frequently as your tire rotation and oil change.
Your body is awesome. As great as your car is, your body is better. Acknowledge the greatness and it will lead you down the healthy path you desire.