Reasonable expectations of a chiropractor.

If you don’t brush your teeth, they won’t get clean.

Seems obvious enough, right?  Who would expect to have clean teeth without brushing? Nobody.  You’d never expect your car to run if you didn’t put gas in it, would you?


Patients need to know what is wrong with them and how the problem is going to be dealt with.  That is at the heart of what you should be able to expect at the office of a chiropractor. We all want to have expectations that are reasonable and set by the doctor when we go in for a problem.  When I have a lung infection I want to know how long it will take for the antibiotics to work, what to do if they don’t and what I should do after I’m no longer sick to keep myself infection free.


“If you don’t follow the treatment plan, the treatment plan won’t work”.  Never have more direct, easy to understand, obvious words been spoken.  All patients hear these exact words, without fail, at their second visit at our office.  We even have patients sign the sheet of paper to verify that they understand this most simple of principles.


Our office provides clear explanations of what is going on, how we can help, how long it will take for your body to respond to care and how much it will cost.  Guaranteed.


If you go to a restaurant and don’t have the experience you expected, do you stop going to restaurants? Probably not.  More likely than not, you keep searching for one you like.  If a chiropractor, dentist, medical doctor, hairdresser or restaurant don’t meet your expectations, find someone else to see.  Portland, Maine is blessed to have great chiropractic options. Find the office that resonates with you and stick to the plan for best results.


Dr. Lou

Dr. Lou
Portland, Maine
(207) 774-6251