When you have vertigo and your ENT doesn’t know what to do, call Dr. Lou.

When your ENT has no answers or solutions for you, and you're still suffering with vertigo, CALL DR. LOU. Learn more about the neurology of chiropractic and how vertigo may be helped! (207) SPINAL 1

When your ENT has no answers or solutions for you, and you’re still suffering with vertigo, CALL DR. LOU. Learn more about the neurology of chiropractic and how vertigo may be helped! (207) SPINAL 1

Vertigo is a feeling of being off balance. It also ruins lives. If you have been unable to get relief, there may still be hope.

The most common causes of vertigo are related to the inner ear.

In Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, little crystals in the ear called canaliths move abnormally or get stuck in the canal of the ear and send erratic messages to the brain. The result is a disturbance of balance.

With Meniere’s Disease, another cause of vertigo, this inner ear disorder is caused by a change in pressure of the fluid in the inner ear, leading to nerve communication interference, which leads to symptoms. This can cause vertigo and ringing in the ears (tinnitus).

Vestibular neuritis, also known as labyrinthitis, is most commonly related to a viral infection. The inflammation that results from the infection aggravates nerves in the ear that are important in controlling your brain’s sense of balance.

Like with all problems, proper diagnosis is critical as the causes of vertigo go beyond these three “most common.” As you have seen, the three most common causes involve obstruction or interference in nerve communication to the brain regarding balance and position.
Chiropractic is a neurological science. It involves itself with identifying interference in the nervous system, that disrupts brain control over the body’s healing, regulation and general control. Chiropractors call this interference Subluxation. Subluxation chokes nerve communication resulting in poor healing, control and adaptation of the body to the stressors and activities, exposure in your environment – both internal and external environments.

Patients around the world experience relief of vertigo symptoms after chiropractic care. Chiropractic is not a cure for vertigo, but it IS a specialized technique used to correct nerve interference that may lead to, cause, or perpetuate vertigo. If that is the case, you may be one of the many who get vertigo relief after chiropractic adjustment protocols. Chiropractic is often misunderstood as being only for back pain. In fact, while it is helpful for back issues, it is more about your nerves than your back, it’s about regaining brain control over healing.

To learn more about chronic pain, chronic symptoms and chronic life ruiners and how chiropractic may save your sanity, follow this LINK for a 5 part series on chronic pain and dysfunction.

Fill out your patient intake form HERE, and Sydney from our office will call you to schedule your appointment.

Fish heads do not cure vertigo. Learning more about how chiropractic care may help, and then taking appropriate action, could lead to your body gaining better nerve control. Better brain and nerve control has been the missing link for many, and could be the miracle you’ve been looking for as well!

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